The Society of Acoustics (Singapore) has offered the following grades of membership: students, associates , members, fellows, honorary fellows, and corporate members.
Honorary Fellows
Distinguished persons intimately connected with acoustics or a science allied thereto whom the Society especially desires to honour for exceptionally important services in connection therewith, and any distinguished person whom the Society may desire to honour for service to the Society or whose association therewith is of benefit to the Society, shall be eligible to become Honoary Fellow of the Society.
Fellows S$70
Every candidate for election or transfer to the class of Fellow of the Soceity shall have attained the age of thiry-five years and, in the opinion of the committee have made a significant contribution to acoustics or the profession of acoustics, through means demanding a sufficient knowledge of acoustics, as shall make it desirable that he be a Fellow of the Society; and
(i) have had experience of at least seven years of responsible work in acoustics or its applications which shall satisfy the committee; and
(ii) have the qualifications required to be Members of the Society stated below
Members S$50
Every candidate for election or transfer to the class of Member of the Society shall have attained the age of twenty-five years and received a general education approved by the committee and either:
(i) 1. have been educated in acoustics in a manner satisfactory to the committee and have obtained a degree or diploma recognized by the committee for the purposes of this clause of the Constitutin, and
- have has experience for at least three years in responsible work which demands a knowledge of acoustics or its application as shall satisfy the committee, or
(ii) 1. have satisfied the committee that he possesses an equivalent knowledge of acoustics and cognate subjects considered appropriate by the committee in accordance with the provisions of Clause (1) of this rule and, - have had experience for not less than seven years of responsible work which demands a knowledge of acoustics or its applications as shall satisfy the committee; and, have been associated for not less than three years.
Authorised Titles of Honorary Fellows, Fellows and Members
The authorized titles there fore of persons belonging to the classes of Honorary Fellows, Fellows, and Memebrs shall be
(i) Honorary Fellow of the Society of Acoustics(Singapore)
(ii) Fellow of the Society of Acoustics (Singapore)
(iii) Memebr of the Society of Acoustics(Singapore)
Associates S$30
Every candidate for election or transfer to the class of Associate shall have attained the age of eighteen years and shall
(a) (i) have received a general education approved by the committee; and
(b) (i) be a graduate in a discipline approved by the committee; or
(ii) be a technician in a discipline approved by the committee; or
(iii) be engagaed or interested in acoustics or a related discipline; excepting always
(c) (i) that no person shall remain in the class of Associate if he fulfills the requirements to be fellows or members of the society.
Authorised Titles of Associates
The authorized titles therefore of persons belonging to the specialist sub-classes or Associate shall be :-
(i) Associate (Graduate) of the Society of Acoustics(Singapore)
(ii) Associate (Technician) of the Society of Acoustics(Singapore).
No other titles or abbreviation of these titles are permitted.
Students S$15
Every candidate for election to the class if Student shall have attained the age of sixteen years and, at the time of application, be a bona-fide student in a subject related to acoustics, and who has complied with one of the following conditions:
(i) satisfied the committee that he has received a good general education; or
(ii) passed a preliminary examination satisfactory to the committee.
Corporate Members S$200
Companies which are engaging in works related to acoustics can apply as Corporate Members. These will include consultants in acoustics, acoustical contractors, suppliers of acoustical materials, acoustical instruments and manufacturers of acoustical materials and acoustical instruments etc.