Subject: Development of Green Track Rail Damper (GTRD) – a solution to railway noise pollution in urban environments
Date/Time: Friday, June 28 · 4 PM Singpaore time
Bangkok is considered as a big city with the population over 8 million people. Without a doubt, the traffic congestion is a problem of Bangkok. Urban rail traffic is a good option to commute in Bangkok. The first urban railway in Bangkok was opened in 1999. At the time, the number of the place of residence was not dense as today and the noise concern at the time was low. Nowadays, the number of condominiums that were built closed to the rail track increases, the complains about the noise also increases as a consequence. Although Bangkok’s urban railway came before the residences, it is unavoidable to take the problem in to the responsibility. A common solution to the noise problem is the noise barrier. Unfortunately, the noise barrier seems not to be a good solution to the urban railway because the limit of the space, the weight of the barrier, and the visual aesthetic. An alternative approach to solve railway noise problems is the rail damper which is suitable for urban railway noise problem. In this presentation, Green Track Rail Damper (GTRD) is introduced. GTRD has natural rubber as a compound thus it is recyclable. The development, test, and assessment of the GTRD will be discussed.
Khemapat Tontiwattanakul is Associate Professor at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB). He leads the Sound and Vibration Engineering Research Group. His research interests include mechanical vibration, modal testing, acoustics, multi-channel signal processing, and microphone arrays. He is also a co-founder and chief engineer of SVEC, a Thai start-up company that commercialises the application of sound and vibration in wide range of services to the industry such as noise and vibration monitoring system, engineering product design, noise and vibration measurement, CAE services, and industrial training.
Khemapat graduated in Mechanical Engineering from King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (Thailand) in 2007 and then he obtained PhD from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) of the University of Southampton (UK) with a thesis on microphone array design.
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
Email: Tel: (+66) 094-562-6060