Zoom seminar, 10 November 2022

By | 31/10/2022

Design of Floating Floors and Robust Noise and Vibration Control using Recycled Elastometric Material

Zoom seminar, 10 Novmber 2022, 4:00 (GMT+8)
Topic: Design of Floating Floors and Robust Noise and Vibration Control using Recycled Elastometric Material
Speaker: Mr.Paul Downey

CV of Speaker:

Mr Paul Downey,P.Eng. is the founder and CEO of Pliteq Inc., based in Canada,with branches in UK and in Singapore.  He is the inventor of four patented products on recycled rubber technology.  Pliteq has dedicated manufacturing facilities that produce these products and are responsible for the reuse of 16 million kg of waste rubber per year.

All participants must be registered .  The zoom seminar is free for members of the Society of Acoustics(Singapore).  Non-members will pay only a token SGD 5 for the participation certificates.

All participants (members and non-members) please register for this webinar.