Design of Floating Floors Using Recycled Elastomers:
Reducing Embodied Carbon
Zoom seminar, 30 August 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (GMT+8)
Topic: “Design of Floating Floors Using Recycled Elastomers: Reducing Embodied Carbon”
Speaker: James Bligh- Technical Director
His short profile:
James Bligh is the Technical Director, specialising in engineered acoustic systems from recycled materials. Having over a decade of experience in Acoustics, his career has been equally split between Acoustic Consultancy and Acoustic Engineering. Leveraging Pliteq’s commitment to providing third party laboratory data to support Acoustic specifications and design, his focus is on reducing embodied carbon in acoustic design, whilst providing excellent Acoustic conditions in buildings and infrastructure.
Short summary of talk: This talk will be on the recycling of materials to produce sound insulation material which will enable the reduction of material thickness and hence carbon emission.
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