We cordially invite you to join the AGM of the Society of Acoustics (Singapore) with details here below:
Thursday, July 25 · 4:00 pm
Time zone: Asia/Singapore
(meeting is for members only)
1.President’s report
2.Approval of the society annual accounts
3.Election: election of a new president
4.How to work closer with the government departments
5.How to liaise closely with the tertiary institutions
6.How to collaborate with the SEA sector of the IIAV(International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration).
7.Other business.
We would like to welcome the following new members: Yong Kian Leong,Alex Champion, and Pitupong Sarapho of Geonoise to the Society of Acoustics(Singapore)(SAS).
During the past year,we also published four issues of quarterly e-newsletters of the Society of Acoustics(Singapore). An unique feature of our e-newsletter is that we welcome the publication of original research papers in the e-newsletter. In this aspect, our e-newsletter is also like a mini journal.
Three joint webinars were also held during the past year. On October 6 2023,Friday,a joint webinar was held with the Thailand Association of Acoustics and Vibration(TAAV) at 6 pm Singapore time The title of talk was Algorithm for Calculations of the Measured Single Fly-over Aircraft Noise. The speakers were Thapana Boonchoo from Thammasat University Thailand and Krittika Lertsawat from Enlawthai Foundation. It was successfully held with some thirty participants. The second joint webinar was held on 22 April 2024,Monday,from 4 to 6pm Singapore time with the Association of Acoustics and Vibration Indonesia(AAVI). The speaker was Iwan Prasetiyo of the Institut Teknologi Bandung.The title of the talk was Development of Micropeforated Panel Absorbers. It was very successfully held with some fifty participants. The third joint webinar was held with the TAAV on 28 June 2024,Fridy at 4pm Singapore time. The speaker was Associate Professor Khemapat Tontiwattanakul of King Mongkul ‘s University of Technology North Bangkok. The title of talk was Development of Green Track Rail Damper-a Solution to Railway Noise Pollution in Urban Environments. It was successfully held with some thirty participants.
The focus of the society is on collaboration among the regional acoustical societies and associations from the ASEAN countries of Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore in view of the ASEAN Acoustics Commission comprising of the acoustical societies and associations from these four countries has already been form in March 2003. Also recently the Southeast Asia Section of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration(IIAV) has been setup. So there is great potential for collaboration between IIAV and the ASEAN Acoustics Commission.
Another attention of the society is to increase the student members. Currently there are only a handful of them. We should target to increase to twenty percent of the total number. This can be done by introducing our society to the tertiary institutions with courses on acoustics.